20 years of Utility Fog!

Not raven news, but me news.
I started my radio show Utility Fog on Sydney's new community radio station FBi in August 2003. The station turned 20 last week, which makes Utility Fog 20 years old too.

The earliest solo electronic works of mine date way back to 1997, but raven as cello & electronics has not existed as long as UFog has. All the music I've consumed and proselytized on UFog, and all the musical connections I've made, have fed directly into the music I create, whether on cello or laptop, solo or with Tangents, FourPlay, Black Aleph, Haunts etc.

On Sunday just gone I tried to cram those 20 years into 2hrs of radio. I wrote an essay on the playlist too, which can be found here (the standalone Utility Fog blog) and here at FBi's website, and you can listen back at both links too.

  1. Fantastic ! All very best Peter !!


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