Black Aleph album release and Music Show session

Super excited to have this album out in the world!
I joined my mate Lachlan Dale and excellent friend Timothy Johannessen in this very unusual band a couple of years ago – guitar through a raft of pedals and two amps, my cello through various pedals and bass amp, and Tim playing the daf, a Persian frame drum with chains hanging off the frame.
The sound of Black Aleph is influenced by post-metal and doom (although we've instrumental) as well as post-rock, Persian music and even Indonesian time signatures and rhythms. There's a lot of thought that goes into the themes being explored.
Listen here, and buy in various formats:

Also wanted to mention that today we also appeared on The Music Show on ABC Radio National, interviewed by Andy Ford, who is always very astute about the music he features. Nubya Garcia is the other guest, which is pretty awesome.
We played "Precession" and "Return" live in the studio. Listen back here.

  1. It's some of your finest work yet! Gorgeous washes of deep sound- gets better with every listening!


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