A couple of years ago I recorded an album over two weekend sessions at the beautiful Music Feeds Studio, with engineering and mixing help from Chris Hancock. It's less electronic than a lot of my other stuff – much of it was aimed at realising my multi-layered looping pieces in lush acoustic multi-tracked recordings.
But the other half are extravagant pieces jammed, overdubbed, mixed and overdubbed right there in the studio.
I'm yet to release the album – entitled the night is dark, the night is silent, the night is bright, the night is loud. Once I've remixed a few tracks a little bit, I'll send it out into the world (maybe a like-minded label will help me there)… In the meantime, you can stream this track, which mixes up faux-guitar cello, rapturous arco fragments, helium harmonics and a couple of field recordings.